With that in mind, you're going to want to get it right. The last thing you need at go live is a product that doesn't work. An eCommerce site that doesn't convert. A blog or research site with zero engagement.
So what can be done to protect your investment? The following mini-series will take you through the principles I try and live by. I hope they prove as useful to you as I have found them and I welcome any feedback you have on my own personal approach.
No 1 - The 10% principle
Whatever you're planning to invest in your project be prepared to either use 10% of your budget, or invest an additional 10%, in pre-project research and review.
Got a £50,000 budget? £5,000 will help you protect it. Want to deliver in 6 months? Try and give yourself 2-3 weeks before you start and any decisions you make will be based on more that gut feel.
Ok. I admit it. Winning this additional resource is going to be a tall order for most companies. But look at it this way. It's insurance. Would you rather pay an extra £5k up front; or waste £50k and spend an additional £20k getting things to work?
All to often projects steam ahead and make decisions based on gut feel without doing the necessary leg work - and this can prove disastrous. The 10% principle is there to give you time to think. Time to get your pawns in place so that you can make the right moves towards success. Time to get it right.
Check back in the next few weeks for Principle 2.
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